Justin Timberlake was born in Memphis (Tennessee), United States, January 31, 1981.
Justin Timberlake began to take his first steps as an artist when he decided to move his family to Orlando and work on "The Mickey Mouse Club" , a teen-infanto chain program Disney in which she sang and danced for more than two years and where he met Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera , when the three were just preteens.
Since then, Justin Timberlake began to prove her impressive vocal talents as a dancer and, along with a charisma that set him apart from the rest of his castmates.
But besides such artistic beginning, there she met a boy his age named JC Chasez , who shared musical tastes. Several years later, when each was preparing his solo material, fate reunited them.
So it was in 1995, along with three other guys - Chris Kirkpatrick , Joey Fatone and James Lance Bass - formed a quintet which was christened with the last letters of each of their names: * NSYNC . Their first album was very successful among teenagers.
* NSYNC was during the 90s one of the "boy band" most famous (along with the Backstreet Boys , ofcourse). Although he fought hard to win the "fight" against BSB, it was they who succeeded with his third work, "No Strings Attached" , selling over two million copies in its first week of release.
But besides fame for music, Justin Timberlake emerged as the most charismatic of the group. To add further to their profile, began a relationship with Britney Spears , then the undisputed Princess of Pop . The relationship lasted three long years, but eventually separated.
In 2002 also he separated * NSYNC . Justin Timberlake and was planning to go solo, so he made ​​the most of the opportunity. With his album "Justified" , Justin Timberlake showed an enormous musical maturity and was involved in creating topics producer, author and composer. His first single, "Like I Love You" , was a resounding success in America ... to the point that became very compared toMichael Jackson .
But Justin Timberlake took his time to launch his new job. He waited four years and presented"FutureSex / LoveSounds" , with which he toured in 2006.
In the sentimental, Justin Timberlake is so committed and artistically. As we said earlier, he had a relationship three years with Britney Spears and then an intense romance of 4 years with the actressCameron Diaz .
Although some rumors linked him with Scarlett Johannson and Alysa Milano , today we can say thatJustin Timberlake is one of the most eligible bachelors in Hollywood. Youth, charisma, beauty and talent ... what more could you ask for ?