Rihanna had a life full of difficulties anyone would miss you throw in the towel, but a strong and brave woman like her. His childhood was full of struggles, pain, abuse and drug use, poverty and disease.Until the 16 years in a hearing with Jay Z he was born a young talent from Barbados named Rihanna Robyn Fenton.
The race Rihanna 10 years later is full of successes, with 8 awards Grammy, with 7 albums(one rumored eighth on the way) and known for being the first woman remains in the number one position with 4 positions on the Billboard Top 100 in a single year. Rihanna's career undoubtedly continues to improve, last week was named as the first black woman to be the image of the Dior brand. Dreamworks Monday released two songs Rihanna HOME for the film in which she also plays a leading role giving voice to one of the characters.
All this was not easy for her, only a decade ago she lived one of the biggest battles of his life and no doubt defeated.
A Difficult Family:
Rihanna was born in 1988 in Barbados, her father Ronald Fenty ran a clothing store and Monica Braithwaite was an accountant. Rihanna with his younger brother grew up in a home with problems . His father was an alcoholic and crack addict; Rihanna told Rolling Stone that her father beat her mother and once also struck her.
It was a very difficult situation for her. At the age of 8 years Rihanna began to have severe headaches which led his doctor to suspect a tumor . But when they turn 14 years old Rihanna's parents separated and she stopped feeling those headaches. After the divorcehis mother had to work full time and Rihanna step to take the place of taking care of his younger brother.
"I grew up fast, something like the second mother" commented Rihanna to The Guardian.
Although his home life will improve, Rihanna suffered attacks on her constantly being bullied at school because of the color of their skin to have a clearer complexion because his father was a descendant of a group Barbado-Irish known as "Redlegs" , a term used for poor, black residents of Barbados. According to Allure, Rihanna fought against children at school who teased her for being too white. Suffer from bullying caused Rihanna is shy , but she was his very hard time; as a teenager Rihanna was cadet army and reached the rank of corporal. He joined to prove to the boys that she could also be a hard woman. His sergeant was none other than his fellow Barbadian singer Shontelle .
"This thick skin has been developing since my first day at school , " Rihanna told Harpers Bazaar. "It did not happen after fame ;. He could not have survived if not fame had. So sometimes the hardest thing in life is to be vulnerable. "
Your gift:
Although Rihanna was shy won the beauty contest your school at 15 to sing the song 'Hero' by Mariah Carey. He loved singing so much - on the beach , in the club, around the house, her neighbors called her ". Robyn Red Breast" According to the magazine Rolling Stone . "She always knew she wanted to be a pop star"
"I like that I made ​​fun of those stupid contests" he told the Daily Mail in 2007. "But my school friends encouraged me to do it, and my military training was very useful to learn to balance the books in my head for the catwalk . "
The great opportunity:
Not long after winning the pageant, Rihanna only 16 years caught the attention of an American producer named Evan Rogers during a hearing organized by the producer. He knew he had found someone great. Within months, Rihanna had left Barbados and movedto Connecticut to live at home of Rogers and his wife. In Connecticut, Rogers and Rihanna recorded a demo with a version of "Pon de Replay".
"When I left Barbados, I did not look back , " Rihanna told People magazine. "I wanted to do what I had to do, even [if] meant moving to America."
Rogers sent a demo tape to record companies throughout the country, which landed on the desk of then newly appointed Def Jam president Jay Z. With only 16 years, Rihanna was summoned by the legend of hip-hop to audition for a place in the record. She sang Whitney Houston's song "For the Love of You" in the offices of Def Jam. "I signed it in one day , " Jay-Z told Rolling Stone. "It took me two minutes to see that she was a star."
In May 2005, four months after she signed with Def Jam, Rihanna released her first single, "Pon de Replay". The song reached No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100 and helped put Rihanna's first album, Music of the Sun, on the map. Eight months later, she released A Girl Like Me, and in June 2007, Rihanna released "Umbrella , " which reached No. 1 on the list, so the singer became a pop star with a song written originally for Mary J. Blige. It is hard toimagine anyone else doing so well.
Today, Rihanna is 27, and if we see it from that aspect, she 's just beginning. It is aphilanthropist , fashion icon and an actor , who has overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles to become one of the most celebrities powerful in the world.
"It 's amazing how lonely you can feel and nobody understands , " Rihanna told Oprah. "At the time when you are vulnerable, there is always someone who comes. They go through the same things. I want you to feel comfortable knowing that I have flaws too. I want you toknow those flaws. I'm afraid of the pedestal. I want to be a companion for my fans. "
Rihanna's story is inspiring. It reveals that, no matter the circumstances in which you grew up, what happened, you can always get ahead, fulfill your dreams and make your story a source of inspiration for thousands of people.
My promise to you was to leave an exercise that every time you come back to see or hear a success story from now you wonder, how can I model this in my life ?.
80% of the time I hear someone talking about someone successful is always a way of criticizing, judging or talking negative tone of that person, either because they think it was 'lucky' that is making certain something 'bad' to win both money or simply ... is a person who has nothing in common and lose interest-
The exercise is:
1. Always do the question: How can I model this in my life?
2. Stop the mentality of destructive and negative criticism (if that happens often)
3. Search, View, listen to background (as a research) that success story with an open mind
4. Find out how that person achieved success, he analyzes their mentality (especially in difficult times)
5. Create the habit of reading biographies of the people they most admire.
The result will be noticeable, fast and if you do it consistently month reading in January biography will notice an incredible transformation in your life, you will begin to see the world with many more opportunities and have a brave and empowered attitude.